Fulfillment is an experience of every moment to Poorna friends. Conentment is the feeling of fulfillment. Being lazy and not doing any work, no interested in progress, not being enthusiastic, lack of interest, half hearted involvement in any work, talking and thinking purposeless thoughts and such should not be misconstructed as contentment.
Every moment one should live a full life. Moment to moment one experiences fulfillment. Fullfilment is not retirement from a job or throwing away the responsibility. Poorna is whole. Not that one finds ultimate fulfillment after certain years, not that one cannot live a life of conententment at the age of six.
The word contentment is used as a defence mechanism by those who can't accomplish anything. Contentment hss been used in many wrong ways. When a boy scores low marks his father does not say 'Well son, you should be contented with your marks'. When the son asks for more money, the father says ' You should be contented with this amount'. Why should the boy be satisfied with less money and not be satisfied with less marks?. The father's convenience has to be justified.!!
Every moment one should live a full life. Moment to moment one experiences fulfillment. Fullfilment is not retirement from a job or throwing away the responsibility. Poorna is whole. Not that one finds ultimate fulfillment after certain years, not that one cannot live a life of conententment at the age of six.
The word contentment is used as a defence mechanism by those who can't accomplish anything. Contentment hss been used in many wrong ways. When a boy scores low marks his father does not say 'Well son, you should be contented with your marks'. When the son asks for more money, the father says ' You should be contented with this amount'. Why should the boy be satisfied with less money and not be satisfied with less marks?. The father's convenience has to be justified.!!
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