சனி, 8 ஆகஸ்ட், 2009

Trinity in Spritual Path

The Christian doctrine of the Trinity teaches the unity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as three persons in one Godhead

The Hinduism follows the Trinity through worshipping the Power of Creation, Preservation and Transformation of the souls through the deities Brahma, Vishnu and Rudhra respectively.

In Muslim belief, before the Qur'an, God had given the Torah to Moses, the Psalms to David and the Gospel to Jesus, Moses, David and Jesus are the three important Muslim prophets.

Upanishads are the abstracts or short briefings of Vedas, narated by rishis. There are more than hundred Upanishadh. All Upanishadh has its own Shanthi Manthra which has to be spelt before starting discussion on the Upanishadh, by the teacher and students as well. All the Shanthi Manthra ends with the triplet 'Shanthi... Santhi... Shanth'. That is to get rid of the mystery that could happen in three ways vz., by way of Self , by way of Surroundings and by God. Shanthi means pease. In Esavasya Upanishad the following is the Shanthi Manthra

' Om poorna madha Poorna midham Poorna hath

Poorna mudhakshyathe Poornasya Poorna mathaya

Poorna mevavasishyathe... Om shanthi shanthi shanthi '.

Means - from Poornnam any portion that has been taken, will be Poornam and the remaining portion that is left behind will also be Poornam. The word Poornam denotes spiritual fulfilment.

The Existence, Knowledge and the Bliss are the threefold attributes of the Supreme Being called Sath-Sith-Anandham.

In Saivism the God, Soul and Huddles (or) Bondages are the three ever existing phenomenon. We cannot determine the day on which they had come into existence. The Bondage further divided into three groups, vz., Anavam, Kanmam and Maya

God under take three duties to uplift the souls. Those are:

1. Creation of lives by giving body etc., to the souls.

2. Preservation of the souls till their spiritual attainment.

3. Destroyal of the world and souls and keeping them as his inner subtle.

Two more duties are added which could be branched out from Preservation of souls. Those are extending His grace and Hiding the occurrences of previos lives of souls. Hence the duties of God may be stated as five. The manifestation after the destroyal is only to help the souls in getting another opportunity to spiritual attainment. Wheather the soul has to take birth on earth or to feel bliss under the lotus feet of God will always be decided by Him.

We worship the God in Forms based on His mighty charecters, Semi-Forms by attributing the phylosophical inner meanings to the Semi-Forms say Linga, and in Formless as cosmic energy. Enlightened Souls can only feel and worship the God without Form. But others cannot. At the beginning of spiritual life the souls need to worship the Lord in Forms. On travel towards Enlightenment soul can select Semi-Form and Formless according to its spiritual intense.

The Linga represents panchaakchara - rp th a e k - five divine letters representing five ever existing objects. rp - Lord (rptk;);> th - His Grace (rj;jp)> a - Soul (capH)> e - Fate (fd;kk;);> and the Source of physical bodies (khia)> k - Ego (Mztk;). So the people who have realised and understood the inner meaning of Panchaakchara will start worshipping the Lord through the Semi- Form called Linga further they can goto Formless.

A mystic formula (the Pranava manthra OM) has three parts in it.

Agaram - m - the God.

Vugaram - c - the souls

Magaram - k; - three huddles in attaining Enlightenment

Since it represents five most prime ever being substances 'OM' is also said to be Panchaakchara. With above three letters Nadham(Sound) and Vindhu (Light) can be added and is said to be Pranava manthra, means source of evolution of souls and the world .

All beings on earth has got three vital stages vz., Birth, Life and Death. That is why the Trinity becomes a part and parcel of worldly phenomenon, it seems .